• Find here the main information about access control


Access restrictions and video protection


On Le Verdun and Bassens sites, the port authorities have established a controlled access system with video protection technology. This system allows us to:

  • Control the access to the port facilities
  • Prevent from unauthorised access to the port, ships docked at the port and other restricted areas
  • Control the traffic flows and ensure more efficient circulation

Video surveillance allows us to:

  • Deter any potential malicious acts
  • Remotely monitor key areas
  • Rapidly investigate a zone where an incident has been reported
  • Clear up doubts in case of raised alarm
  • A better control of the traffic flows (of vehicles and people)
  • Detect the movements of objects and individuals

Other sites at Atlantic Port of Bordeaux may soon be equipped with access control technology and video surveillance systems, including the technical centre at Bordeaux Bacalan (also the headquater of the port) and the various oil and chemicals storage jetties in the Ambès peninsula.


General principles of security badge delivery and use


The decision to authorise an individual to access the Bassens port facility is taken by the Port Security Agent (ASIP).

To justify their presence on site, particularly during random ID checks, all personnel working in the port zone must carry their authorisation documents.

Access is authorised to professionals working on the management and maintenance of the port, or any other professional activity deemed suitable by the port authorities. Access can be revoked at any time by these same authorities. Access rights are represented by an individual’s security badge.

Holding a badge does not automatically entitle a person to unlimited and unrestricted access to all port facilities.

These badges allow their holders to access specifically identified zones. Badges are issued on the condition that holders abide by the relevant security regulations and checks.

Information on the general terms and conditions of badge use, storage of personal data, responsibilities and confidentiality requirements, prices etc. will be set out in the accompanying ‘User’s Guide’.